Sunday, May 4, 2008

another weekend gone.

great sat, great movie -THE SECOND CHANCE. got back my 1st love.
i dont wanna stand on sinking sand anymore...

went to buddy haogies sat morning! finally know where it is. lol!! with CALISTA DEARIE and VIDAS MAMA. loL! how i love them! =D
then had some miscommunications with some people. got really pissed. haha. kinda obvious. i wasn't the only one pissed. haha. DADDY GID pulled me to the back and ask me what's wrong. hmmm.. everytime he does that, there must really be something wrong. lol! this time i'm smart enough, i tell him a bit? at least i said a bit and there's a chance there's someone praying for me. the last few time similar stuffs happened, i didnt tell him anything, i end up 'wounded' seriously by the devil. okay, end up everyting went well... got back my 1st love. continue cellgroup, etc.

my sister's 1st day of media duty. rah! lalala~ helped out a bit with the cd sales cos davin is left alone. hee!

today, supposed to be studying.. got geog test, chem spa. and i procrastinated the whole day. lol! rah! i'm so so dead. praying praying. lol! pray for me too? =p

tmr's mon already. so fast. oh oh.. i wanna go the june renewal camp with cal! lol! we'll see how it goes ya, scared mummy unhappy. hee!

radical conference!! can't wait can't wait! hee! media media. i'm beinging to love media. lalala~

ESTEE!! if you happen to pop by here again.... just wanna say i was really happy yesterday!! just so so long didnt see you around and didnt talk to you. hee! and happier when you said you do pop by my blog! wahaha!! i know you love me!! =X