Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i've decided to move on... 

this blog is officially CLOSED.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a "don't" of blogging

come on, if you don't want anyone to know how you really feel, or anything of such, don't blog!

blogging it and setting it in small fonts makes no difference.
if you say you want to just pen yout thoughts down, but not want others to see, then go create a private blog, or type them in MS Words and safe them.
blogging it in your open blog (including in small fonts and ugly colours) only means others are allowed to see.
unless that's your main purpose, to capture attention, so people around will start asking what happened, and you'll be all emo and say, 'nothing'.

P.S. i'm not refering to any particular person/people.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Trust God

it is I who role the dice,

it is God who determines how it lands.

i trust God, my solid Rock.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

shoes that don't fit you

it's important to do everything sincerly.

do unto others what you want others do unto you.
i know i did.

i guess...
everything turned out this way cos of the way we thought for ourselves.
one party thinks: i want to be accountable to them, and i dont expect them to react in any bad way.
the other thinks: so i've been used, my opinion dont matter. 

"i", "my"... why haven they thought...
1: will they be okay? will they take it well? will this be doing them any good?
2: are they feeling as bad as we do? (yes) why did they tell me, did they really need me?

it's about placing others before self. 
yea, it's hard to ignore one's own feelings.
like putting others before self when i'm feeling really bad. 
that's definitely not quite easy.

yea, that's where i say "sorry".
sorry for not sparing a thought for you guys.
sorry for not telling you earlier.
asking you out so far was only cos i really wanted to go out with you.
if you find it too much of a coincidence, i dont know what to say.
if you bother to read on... probably cos my promos just ended 2 monthss ago, and probably cos it's my hols.
these are reasons why you're willing to go out too, isn't it? (besides cos it's a close friend asking you out)

this is the part where i put myself in others' shoes...
probably cos of different characters, i only understood certain parts.
parts such as...
being worried.
being angry i'm only informed now.
being pissed i've been used (tho it's not true).
being disappointed.
i dont understand the part about losing a friend and being a lousy friend.
gosh, did you even hear us out? 

i think i'm only asking for trouble, inviting quarrels, hope you understand ya.
i guess, this is something for all of us to learn.

" Can we cross the barrier and be gracious with those who have hurt us?"
"Christians are a helpful bunch with no motives as well."
- credits: ziyi

what's in this for all for us?