Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i've decided to move on... 

this blog is officially CLOSED.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a "don't" of blogging

come on, if you don't want anyone to know how you really feel, or anything of such, don't blog!

blogging it and setting it in small fonts makes no difference.
if you say you want to just pen yout thoughts down, but not want others to see, then go create a private blog, or type them in MS Words and safe them.
blogging it in your open blog (including in small fonts and ugly colours) only means others are allowed to see.
unless that's your main purpose, to capture attention, so people around will start asking what happened, and you'll be all emo and say, 'nothing'.

P.S. i'm not refering to any particular person/people.