Monday, February 25, 2008


1st day of mass lecture. it was okay la. just that not used to moving only in a pair. i mean, back in NY, we were a gang. yupp, one whole gang go everywhere together. here, we havent have orientation yet, how are we supposed to be close to og? been talking about NY all day long. i really miss there and i miss Gary Neo too. He rocks kay? i totally love his bio lessons. and i cant wait for camp. it's just weird recently.

but really thank God for answering my prayers. yea. it's just indescribable, the way He works. simply amazing.

i think it's kinda obvious, the way i blog before school started and now. it's totally different. kinda dont feel right anymore.

cropped from huat's:

Spirit now living

And dwelling within me

Keep my eyes fixed

Ever on Jesus' face

Let not the things of this world

Ever sway me
I'll run 'til I finish the race

(it's a verse from a song)
'when the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.'

uncertainty. it definately dont feel good.