Tuesday, May 6, 2008

crazily busy may

bannister leader camp - 9th to 10th may (fri and sat)
gotta leave early, rush home wash up, rush to church.
media duty.
then rush to ntu after church for talentime finals.
bannister house camp - 15th to 16th (thurs and fri)
sports day - 16th
west zone camp (not confirmed. there's a chance i'll withdraw) - 22nd to 24th (thurs to sat).
might be late for church.
radical conference - 30th and 31st.
not forgeting the tests and spa i have during the weeks.


busy busy busy. daddy gid will be sian if he knew i'm a bannister leader. lol! =p

aL .::. k e r n - ni .::. operation ready date .::. d r e a m - i n g says:
the false assumption of busyness close us away frm ppl..