lalala~ i'm finally online!! heehee!
prelims like.... i dont know, crazy? haha. it's been crap la. if you ask me, i have totally no confidence. but i know my God is there for me!! He has already had His plans for me all made! the only reason i can make it is MY GOD IS WITH ME! =D
heehee! teachers' day in fuhua was.. uhh.. okay? yupp. had fun ba.. aces day was boring. that's like normal. but mdm oen played with the lower sec until like so fun. lol! then was some class get together thingy. oh man.. that was like........ CRAZY! i got myself all dirty la, with paint on my face and shirt. but i'm not the worse. mine was average le. hee! then it was concert. some parts boring, some parts fun. and mr lim and mr chia look cute when they were babies! hahah! went to give out teachers' day presents. chat chat with ms june chan. love her lots la. haha. then grab my guitar and set off for corina's house!
lol. went corina's house for a while. play play guitar. then next stop, SHUQUN!
man! lihuan played us la. we waited for her and end up she went to sch without telling us. -.- anyway. really never regreted going back this year. th onot many came back, but it was fun! there was zane, jason, andy, mingheng, tyzzyih, binglong, lihuan, corina, joc and me!! yea, these were the only few from 6f'03. haha. fun fun. i went crazy with huan. and zane was all attitude and BULLYING US GIRLS! jason was like crapping away with us too! haha!! and zane call me a what? sheep? cos i'm obedient? he's just jealous! i'm a sheep that follows my great Shepherd-JESUS! lalala~ okay, that was meant for zane. it was fun la. went mac. talk talk. we just talk super lot. planning to meet up again after o's and maybe even a class tee? miss them super lots la. wonder if i'll still see them in shuqun next year. wonder if i'll go back shuqun next year. lol!
hols=study break. bleh. still got prelims after that.. haha.. pray for me!! =D
Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by
7:59 PM