Sunday, April 13, 2008

qing ming

went to pay respect to my grandmother today. probably cos God have once again captured my heart, i feel so filthy at that place. my dad held the incense, then touched me. i dare not say anything, but i just feel so dirty.

then an uncle said, in the world there is only one God(glad he knows that). but to him, God just showed himself to different people in different forms. like to chinese, god is buddha, to malays, god is their malay god. so crappy.

next time, when i die, i will donate all my healthy organs. dont bother coming 'visit' every year or something. cremate me then put me back into soil where i can contribute back to the ecosystem.

having such 'praying' practices only contributes to air pollution, take up land space, waste money, waste time, waste food, waste patrol. hate it.

love men, hate their sins.