Thursday, June 26, 2008


... there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24b

my dearie sent me this today. *touched*

it's just amazing how God placed friends around us. close ones, not so close ones, hi-bye ones...
thank God i have very dear friends. friends who stood by me throughout my christian walk. friends who willingly walk this walk with me. friends who listen tho they dont feel like it. friends who give godly advices. friends who see my laugh and watch me cry.
friends that stick closer than a brother.

it's just indescribable. the strong bonds forged. the way we could be so transparent towards one another. it's not just a seasonal thing.

we have almost nothing in common! but God brought us together. i can't think of anyone else but God who could do such thing. such friendships itselves are miracles already.

cal dearie. huiting mummy. daddy SL. i love them all.
the many good friends around. evan, regina, vidas, huat, rebecca, serene, luwei, ziyi, zhiyu, michng, gideon, kenni, jaclyn, shing, winnie, yixuan, bernie, don, qilong, etc. there are so many more to name... from church, from sch, from outside... (not enough time ar, gotta study soon. =P)

God blessed me so so much.
how could i forget, the Greatest Friend of all... Jesus - there for me 24/7.

thank You God.