The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." - Genesis 2:18.
"I will make a ezer kenegdo for him."(altered)
not that i altered the bible. that's what God meant. He made girls, women, ezer kenegdo for man. ezer meant help, lifesaver. kenegdo meant along side. girls, women are meant to be a help, a lifesaver alongside with men.
but there are men, especially non-christians dont realise that. they take their ezer kenegdo for granted.
i always thought he was the good guy. she was the one who did not give peace a chance. as time goes by, i realised, she was just being his ezer kenegdo. he took his ezer kenegdo for granted. she is the good guy. he is the one who did not give peace a chance.
of cos, there are girls, women who dont realise their roles as an ezer kenegdo and took their guy as their ezer kenegdo. that's so wrong. (get it, sanjie aka jasmine? =p)
today's paper was a mess. i didnt finish it. i'm so dead. my only humans.
i kinda saw that coming too. it's been a quite a long while sinced i walked alone. yup. did that today. dont wish to elaborate.
at the bus stop, i was full of discontentment. i was praying. God answered. God sent weng khuen. he did nothing. he walked past. he smile, i smile. and he made my day. maybe that's juat what i needed. a smile. nothing else said. just a smile. God knew what i need most. thank You God.
bio paper later. just pray God will be with me. i'm totally confident-less.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Posted by
10:23 AM